Beiträge von ErwinB
An easy DIY for 3 Euro:
Huge improvement compared to factory standard lighting.Parts:
2 LED Streifen…042311.0.0.27424c4dNetqCA1 factory bulb replacing fitting (the white plastic one)…042311.0.0.27424c4dNetqCAViel Erfolg!
Same leakage issue on my HRV (3 years old) this week after a week of rain.
In my case it is not the left side but at right side of the tailgate.
So be warned and check your back light units. -
Exactly same sound as mentioned by me in post #102
Vibrationsgeräusche während der Diesel-KaltlaufphaseDealer figured out that noise was caused by airco compressor because of low amount of airco cooling liquid, an thus also missing airco lubricant liquid. Dealer did airco vacuum check, everything ok, so no leaks. It seems that the airco was not filled completely at the factory. Dealer filled airco according to specifications under warranty.
Until now no issue anymore.
And here you can check that filter 21 003 fits the Honda HRV…V%20II/1.6%20D%20(T255023)
The first 2 letters indicatie only the type of filter.
CU is just plain paper, FP is the new biofunctional type filter ( seems that Mann did not update their product finder for this new product line).
21 003 is the size coding for the filter.Viel Erfolg,
Erwin -
I ordered an active Carbon filter from Mann Filter type FP 21 003 for my HRV 1.6 DTEC
Besides Active Carbon it has is also a biofunctional layer (Bacteriën und Pfilzen) and filters Feinstaub.Original Honda filter (just plain paper, no carbon) at Dutch Honda Dealer € 39,50 plus additional labour €20,00 makes total of €60,00
Ordered this Mann Filter for about €15,00 and fitted it myself in 3 minutes. Huge saving and better part quality.
I ordered in Germany at Erfolg,
Erwin -
Hi, welche teile braucht man nun um die Rückfahrkamera einzubauen. Welchen Adapter brauch man dazu
Habe auch vor Sie Rückfahrkamera einzubauen.
Vielen Dank im vorausHi,
I want to share my experience.The only 2 parts you need:
1. Connector:…042311.0.0.27424c4dsrTcp12. Camera:…042311.0.0.27424c4dsrTcp1
(This one has the license plate LED, so you have no issue with refitting the existing LED)About one year ago I did the modification in my wife's HR-V 1.6 DTEC Elegance
Works still excellent without any issue after one year.There is one open end wire at the connector: connect this open end wire to the +12V wire of reverse light in "Heckklappe" with a extension wire from radio unit to reverse light.
Yellow Cinch, connect the Yellow Cinch of connector with Yellow Cinch of Camera, by using the 5 meter Yellow Cinch extension cord that is delivered with the camera.
In my case there was also a single open end wire melted to this Cinch extension cord, to be used for connecting the open end wire of connector to +12V of reverse light.For this you need to remove 4 interior parts of Heckklappe in this order (see attachment tailgate):
1. remove horizontal interior part on top of rear window tailgate
2. remove left and right side interior part of rear window tailgate
3. remove remaining large lower part of interior part tailgateThe Cinch extension wire from radio unit to reverse light must be guided through the flexible rubber hose on top left of Heckklappe, there is a youtube video on the web showing how to.
I used some liquid soap and a piece of hard installation wire to get the extension cables through the rubber hose, but be patient this job can take 30 minutes.The extension cables should be routed from back to front, just remove the door sills, see https://www.collegehillshonda.…luminateddoorsilltrim.pdf
Important Note:
I take no responsibility - all modifications on your own risk - I only highlighted how I did the job and referred to technical docs I used for this - requires technical knowledge and skills!Best regards,
Erwin -
Ich kann das Problem hier in Niederlande nun also auch bestätigen.
Hier das gleiche Problem seit 2 Wochen bei minus Grad und Kaltstart HRV 1.6 D-TEC.
Geräusch von einem Sportauspuff bei Drehzal 1500-2000 erste 1000-1500 Meter.